QAPM Limited is committed to the reduction of environmental impact arising from our activities and services. In line with our policy we will endeavour to:
- Comply and exceed all applicable and relevant environmental laws and regulations
- Conserve resources and prevent pollution
- Aim for constant improvement in environmental performance
- Promote awareness and provide training for our employees in environmental matters
- Review policy annually and revise as necessary
This policy is the responsibility of the Health & Safety Officer. Monitoring of compliance with the policy is delegated to the Group Safety Committee.
Awareness of and compliance with this policy is the responsibility of every manager in the Company.
Examples of this are:
All company vehicles are diesel and are replaced every 3 years or 100,000 miles.
It is our policy to promote and only install A rated central heating appliances, all discarded office paperwork is recycled through the local authority waste disposable department, all obsolete heating appliances and fittings are recycled through registered waste recycling plants within our areas of operation. Our premises are energy efficient, we recently installed an A rated high efficiency heating system even although there was no fault with the existing system. We have a have a programme of reviewing the energy efficiency of our premise and as such, light fittings etc are replaced with low energy fittings. We have also improved our insulation within our premises.
All our vans are fitted with tracking systems, this allows the company to ensure the vans are used efficiently thus reducing fuel usage and wear and tear.
We cascade the information through notice boards, line managers, H&S meetings and notices, which are prevalent throughout the building.
Pre-contract site meetings clarify what the directors and clients require to improve the environment and energy efficiencies of our place of work and sites. This is a fixed agenda item on all staff meetings and is inherent within the company culture.
All company vehicles are diesel and are replaced every 3 years or 100,000 miles.
All our vans are fitted with tracking systems, this allows the company to ensure the vans are used efficiently thus reducing fuel usage and wear and tear.
Pre-contract site meetings clarify what the directors and clients require to improve the environment and energy efficiencies of our place of work and sites. This is a fixed agenda item on all staff meetings and is inherent within the company culture.